Stichting dotSPACE
dotSPACE developed an open innovation programme for geodata based innovation. Our focus is on education, exploration and creation using remote sensing technologies (including space data). In today's data-driven world it is important to explore the current and future opportunities of Earth observation to understand the physical, chemical, biological as well as socio-economic status of our environment and society. The purpose is to exchange knowledge and ideas, stimulate entrepreneurship and work with partners to develop new initiatives. dotSPACE supports the development of new solutions and ground-breaking applications. It does so by acting as matchmaker and broker between education, research, business, public authorities, NGOs and the general public. The findings from our activities feed back into policy and instruments developed to stimulate uptake of Earth observation data. dotSPACE has been selected by the Province of South Holland as one of the pillars of the NL space campus in Noordwijk (NL) and by the EC to develop and run a Copernicus user awareness and uptake campaign for students and non-space audiences. dotSPACE developed the platform for knowledge and information sharing. dotSPACE foundation operates as a not for profit foundation, and is an active member of (international) space/Earth observation community with several partnerships e.g. SpaceNed, EARSC, EURISY, Climate-KIC and an affiliated membership with EO4GEO.
Role In Project
In the Iliad project, dotSPACE will contribute to:
● WP8 - Policy Impact Facility
● WP9 - Technology Transfer and Business Development
● WP10 - Capacity Building and Training
● WP11 - Outreach, Communication and Dissemination
Stichting dotSPACE
Martijn Seijger
Kapteynstraat 1 SBIC Suite 140
2201 BB