WP6 User XP and UI Design, Dashboard and Immersive Visualisation

Work Packages
WP6 User XP and UI Design, Dashboard and Immersive Visualisation


WP6 will research, design, test and implement the DTO Interactive Environment (IE). The IE is composed of the frontend products and services that will make the DTO a highly useable, engaging and immersive platform for different user groups and use-cases. This includes the design and development of the overall and specific types of user experiences (UXP); user interactions(UI) and (graphical) user-interfaces(GUI); geo-data-3D-visualisation; outputsystem (reports) / dashboards / components and the modules that enable 3D immersive-interaction in V/AR. The design and development approach in WP6 will be highly iterative (agile development) with extensive user / stakeholder co-design. WP6 will work in collaboration with WP4 and WP5 (back-end development) and WP7 and WP8 (use-cases and dissemination). The design of the IE will be highly modular and adaptable, allowing the selection of templates, user views, plug-ins, difficulty levels etc.


Design templates for user-experiences and user interaction. Conceptualise, design and develop a modular and flexible system that will allow the consortium to develop user interfaces, taking into account that the DTO will be under constant development and adaptation for different user groups and use-cases. This will be carried out using standard system style templates, viewer modes, plug-ins, modules and difficulty levels. Deliverables: User XP & User Interface Design Report (D6.2), and UXP&UI module (D6.3).

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