Hackathon - Digital Twins of the Ocean

Developing cutting-edge digital tools for integrating diverse data sources and constructing digital twins of the ocean to advance sustainable ocean management.

Hackathon - Digital Twins of the Ocean

Iliad aims to create digital twins of the ocean by leveraging existing investments in blue economy policies and infrastructure. By bringing together a diverse range of stakeholders, Iliad is creating a collaborative environment that transcends boundaries. This inclusive approach not only enhances knowledge sharing but also fosters a collective effort towards ocean conservation and sustainable development.


The Iliad hackathon 2024 will unite interdisciplinary teams in developing cutting-edge digital tools for integrating diverse data sources and constructing digital twins of the ocean to advance sustainable ocean management.

Participants are free to choose their focus to reach the goal of the hackathon along the lines of the following themes:

  • Digital twins of the ocean in action
  • Fusing GenAI and digital twins
  • Interoperability between digital twins


The hackathon aims to meet the following objectives and is designed to draw a diverse, cross-disciplinary audience ranging from data scientists to subject matter experts:

  • Advance the digital twin landscape: Transform pilots and concepts into functional digital twins of the ocean;
  • Reusing and extending existing Iliad’s components, along with other libraries and technologies, to innovate in new ways.
  • Leveraging federated data platforms, including HUB Ocean’s Ocean Data Platform to streamline the data supply chain to service twins;
  • Improving technical capabilities in the exploration and manipulation of data, data science, modelling and working towards the long term operation, or commercialisation, of digital twin products and services.
  • Demonstrate interoperability with other digital twin of the ocean initiatives such as EDITO-Infra, EDITO-ModelLab, BlueCloud, EmodNET, Destination Earth, Copernicus, and more.

Target audience

The hackathon is open to anyone who wants to create Digital Twins of the Ocean. Multidisciplinary teams are encouraged as they often yield the most innovative results!

You can register as an individual and teams will be created with a minimum of 4 and a suggested maximum of 10.

Required skills

Whether you're a seasoned programmer, a subject area expert, a communication guru, or a UI/UX designer, we welcome participants of all levels and backgrounds.


The Iliad hackathon is a hybrid hackathon consisting of a longer online period and an onsite period ending with an award ceremony.

Iliad Academy


A series of educational and practical webinars will be held from mid-May to onboard and support hackathon participants in their online work and prepare for the physical event.

Physical event

The physical event will bring together selected teams in a final sprint to demonstrate digital twins in action.


Pre-registration is available here:

Up to 30 participants will be invited to the physical hackathon and finals.


Please note that there might be certain requirements on visa for those traveling to Oslo from outside Europe. For those who need it a Letter of invitation will be provided.


Prizes will be awarded across the three themes and other categories.

Organizing team

American University of Armenia


Blue Lobster


Hub Ocean



Contact: Tom Redd, HubOcean - tom.redd@oceandata.earth

Iliad Hackathon Timeline

Hackathon timeline

Hackathon Webinars

Hackthon webinar 13th May

Digital twins of the ocean in action

In this inaugural webinar of the Iliad Hackathon, we delve into practical implementations of digital twins, both from the Iliad project and beyond. Our focus will be on leveraging digital twin technology to gain insights into ocean ecosystems, monitor environmental changes, and drive sustainable actions.

Hackthon webinar 13th May

Fusing GenAI and digital twins

In our second Iliad Hackathon webinar, we delve into the exciting opportunities presented by fusing GenAI with Digital Twins of the Ocean. These powerful tools, such as ChatGPT, have the potential to revolutionise user interactions with DTOs, paving the way for novel use cases and transformative applications.

Hackthon webinar 13th May

Interoperability between digital twins

The third webinar in the Iliad Hackathon series will address the important topic of interoperability. Interoperability is essential for enabling different ocean-related data sources to be integrated and for different digital twin applications to communicate and exchange information with each other. This session will focus on the practical steps DTO developers can take to promote interoperability.

Hackthon webinar 4th June

Best Practices and Standards for the Iliad Hackathon

Accelerate your hackathon project by adopting existing best practices and standards (BP&S) for data, models and products. Speakers will share their experiences and you will hear how to find and select BP&S and how you can apply them in your hackathon development.

Hackthon webinar June 5th

GenAI and Digital Twins in practice: lessons from industry

This webinar will present practical insights into developing and using Generative AI in the context of Digital Twins. Cognite has been developing an Open Industrial Digital Twin that delivers both real-time and complete historical data in one accessible GUI and API. Built on top of these twins are a comprehensive suite of Generative AI capabilities from industrial data management to autonomous operations, unlocking simple access to complex industrial data, increasing the efficiency of industrial workflows. Industrial Digital Twins require safe, secure and hallucination free Generative AI to provide accurate insights.

Hackthon webinar June 5th

Immersive ocean digital twins using UnReal

This webinar will present the team developing a 3D Immersive Ocean platform using the EPIC Unreal engine. This virtual world boasts high-quality graphics and dynamic simulations of geophysical, natural, and man-made objects in the marine environment, such as waves, marine flora and fauna, ships, and offshore wind turbines. The virtual ocean world is automatically generated using an innovative AI technique called procedural content generation. This technique allows the virtual ocean world to be generated automatically based on a set of decision rules

Hackthon webinar June 5th

The Ramani toolbox for software developers

This workshop highlights the utility of the Ramani toolbox in various international competition events, such as hackathons and ideathons. As part of the Iliad project, we first introduced a semantic knowledge management facility called “SemanticFlow Knowledge Hub”, aka SemFlow in short. SemFlow uses semantic Knowledge Graphs to allow both Pilot team members, domain experts, and ICT specialists to register their knowledge on a common coordinate axis. SemFlow links to FlowCell, an online co-creation environment allowing thematic domain experts, IT developers, IoT hardware providers, EO experts to easily organize their online computational assets using a visual canvas.

Hackthon webinar June 5th

The StreamHandler Platform: Ingesting and Managing Large Streams of Data

In this webinar session, we will present a comprehensive overview of the StreamHandler platform, focusing on its architecture, design, and application in Iliad pilot projects. Attendees will gain insights into the platform’s capabilities and the technologies it supports. This presentation will explore how StreamHandler enhances operational efficiency and interoperability in data sharing from multiple external sources using near real-time streaming mechanisms and what it offers to users in various environments related to warning and alerting functionalities. The webinar includes a session providing useful guidelines and examples on how the users can interact and communicate with the platform.

Hackthon webinar July 12th

Introduction to sensors for digital twins of the ocean

Digital twins of the ocean requires a variety of data. Various sensors ranging from gliders and drifters to drones are all instrumental in providing the best virtual representation of ocean reality. In this webinar you will get an overview of sensors included in Iliad. You also will learn about the Wavy drifters and given examples of how they can be used both as data collectors and as engagement tool.

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