Iliad Hackathon 2024

Iliad Hackathon 2024

Start: Wednesday 11th September 2024

End: Thursday 12th September 2024

Location: Filipstadveien 7, Oslo

When: Starting at 08:30 on the 11th September 2024 and closing at 15:30 on the 12th September 2024


  • 11th September- OsloMet Oceanlab, Filipstadveien 7, Oslo

  • 12th September- Maritime Oslofjord Alliance Rådhusgata 25, Oslo

Iliad Hackathon 2024 Agenda

Day 1: Full Day

08:30 - 09:00 | Registration & Breakfast

  • Welcome participants and light breakfast.

09:00 - 09:30 | Opening and welcome to the Oceanlab (including virtual)

  • Introducing the Iliad Hackathon, outline the goals, and provide an overview of the hackathon schedule.

  • Keynote speaker

09:30 - 10:00 | Team Presentation (including virtual)

  • Teams present themselves and what they hope to achieve. Opportunity to join teams.

10:00 - 13:00 | Hacking Begins

  • Teams start working on their projects.

  • Mentors circulate to assist with technical questions or brainstorming.

10:00 - 11:00 | Tech Session: Support (including virtual)

Specific technical support for

  • Ocean data platform

  • Ocean best practices

  • DestinE

  • Reference material can be found here 

13:00 - 14:00 | Lunch Break

  • Lunch is provided. Participants can network or continue working if desired.

14:00 - 16:00 | Hacking Continues

  • Teams continue working on their projects.

  • Mentors are available for guidance and support.

16:00 - 16:15 | Coffee Break

16:15 - 18:00 | Hacking Continues

  • Teams focus on developing their projects.

  • Optional: Side activities or mini-challenges for a change of pace.

18:00 - 19:30 | Oslofjord Tour and Dinner

  • A tour of the Oslofjord (please register in advance)

Day 2: Half-Day (Until 13:00)

08:00 - 09:00 | Breakfast

  • Light breakfast is provided. Teams can start working early if they wish.

09:00 - 12:00 | Final Hacking Session

  • Last chance for teams to finalize their projects and prepare presentations.

10:00 - 11:00 | Continuation Session: Support (including virtual)

  • Commercialisation

  • Policy

12:00 - 12:15 | Submission Deadline 

  • All projects must be submitted by this time.

12:15 - 12:45 | Project Presentations & Demos (including virtual)

  • Each team presents their project (10 minutes per team).

  • Judges evaluate the projects.

12:45- 13:45  | Lunch and deliberation

13:45 - 14:15 | Judging & Awards Ceremony (including virtual)

  • Judges deliberate and announce the winners.

  • Awards and closing remarks.

14:15 | Closing & Networking

  • Official end of the hackathon.

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