
Project Review Tool

Desktop Application
Project Review Tool

The product consists in technological bricks for highly accurate interactive multi-physics simulation of offshore operations. It includes namely:

  • Coupled hydrodynamics and low speed manoeuvring
  • Lifting system and cables simulation
  • Mechanical components simulation
  • Realistic environmental condition
  • Connection to console and DP systems
  • Deployment in collaborative XR applications

The technology can be integrated in clients application. It has already been integrated in Technip Energies CETO® application.


Associated Products

Additional Details

Type: Desktop Application

Theme: Research

Dataset sources: Environmental condition (sea state, wind and current) available through GeoMachine.

Language(s): English

Contact Information:

XDE Physics

Head of Interactive Simulation Laboratory



XDE Physics Platform
Technip Energy CETO® Studio
Application example of on-site maintenance operation on floating offshore wind turbine
Technip Energy testimony regarding Iliad pilot Project Review Tool


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