MonGOOS Workshop and General Assembly

MonGOOS Workshop and General Assembly

Start: Tuesday 1st October 2024

End: Thursday 3rd October 2024

This year the workshop will be focused on :

Boost the understanding of the Mediterranean for adaptation to climate change and extreme events

The Mediterranean region is considered a hotspot of vulnerability to climate change, complicated by multiple anthropogenic pressures that threaten human health and prosperity, ecosystem resources and services, the resilience of the blue economy and global markets.The region faces major challenges due to extreme events, which are likely to intensify with climate change. Addressing these impacts requires a combination of scientific research, policy-making and societal engagement to improve resilience and ensure sustainable management of marine and coastal resources.

Some of the notable extreme events include marine and atmospheric heatwaves, which can lead to coral bleaching, the death of marine species and changes in marine ecosystems (2018 and 2022 Heatwaves). Storms such as Mediterranean Tropical-like Cyclones (Medicanes) that are rare but intense and can cause severe wind damage, heavy rainfall and flooding (2018 Zorbas and 2020 Ianos). Coastal flooding, which is also caused by storm surges and sea-level rise leads to erosion and damage to coastal infrastructure (2019 Flooding in Venice). Temperature changes and human activities can lead to the spread of invasive species that threaten local marine biodiversity.

Adaptive measures, including improved forecasting and early warning systems, infrastructure resilience, and sustainable water management, are essential to mitigate these impacts. Comprehensive monitoring, international cooperation and proactive measures are also essential for understanding and addressing these extreme events effectively.

The topics and objectives of the workshop are in line with the BlueMissionMed coordination and support project, which has three specific, interlinked and mutually supportive objectives: (1) Protecting and restoring marine and freshwater ecosystems and biodiversity; (2) preventing and eliminating pollution of our oceans, seas and waters and (3) creating a carbon-neutral and circular blue economy.

The workshop will provide a forum for researchers and developers to present their work and discuss their ideas with MonGOOS experts, including technological innovations in operational oceanography such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning methods, Digital Twins and Zero Pollution initiative.

The workshop invites contributions addressing the Mediterranean observing network, performing model-based simulations and predictions on the physics and biogeochemistry of the basin, developing practical applications, risk assessments and adaptation strategies related to extreme events.

BlueMissionMed National hubs are encouraged to showcase the progress made in line with the overarching EU mission "Restore Our Ocean and Waters".

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