Iliad Webinar Series-Ocean Information Model
Start: Wednesday 13th December 2023
End: Wednesday 13th December 2023
The next webinar in the Iliad series, "Ocean Information Model" will take place virtually on 13th December 2023 at 15:00 CET.
- Welcome, and introduction. Bente Lilja Bye, BLB
- Introduction to the OIM, Raul Palma,
- Use of OGC standards, Rob Atkinson
- Standardization process in OGC, Piotr Zaborowski
- Discussion
About the Iliad Webinar Series
The Iliad webinar series aim support the communication across different disciplines and to facilitate the co-design processes and engagement with key stakeholders, a series of webinars and trainings covering topics ranging from technical to economics and policy are offered to Iliad partners.