Iliad Webinar Series: Digital Twins of the Ocean and Biodiversity
Start: Wednesday 13th March 2024
End: Wednesday 13th March 2024
The next webinar in the Iliad series, "Digital Twins of The Ocean and Biodiversity" will take place virtually on 13th March 2024 at 15:00 CET.
This event is organised by the Iliad Digital Twins of the Ocean.
- Welcome and introduction, Bente Lilja Bye, BLB
- Sensor fusion for real-time biomass estimation, Muriel Dunn and Ralph Stevenson-Jones, SINTEF Ocean
- Accessing and publishing marine biodiversity data in GBIF and OBIS, Dag Endresen, GBIF Norway, University of Oslo
- DiverSea: Innovating Marine Exploration, Sivert Bakken, NTNU
- EMODnet Biology data and data products for the Digital Twins of the Ocean, Joana Beja, VLIZ/EMODnet Biology
- Discussion and Close, All
Registration is required.

About the Iliad Webinar Series
The Iliad webinar series aims to support communication across different disciplines and to facilitate the co-design processes and engagement with key stakeholders, a series of webinars and trainings covering topics ranging from technical to economics and policy are offered.