Copernicus Marine 7th General Assembly
Start: Monday 5th June 2023
End: Friday 9th June 2023
Location: Brussels, Belgium
The Copernicus Marine 7th General Assembly will be held in Brussel (and online sessions will be provided) from 5th to 9th June 2023.
Throughout this week, working groups consisting of partners and contractors will come together to develop strategies for the upcoming years.
Days 1 & 2: plenary sessions - Hybrid session open to the public.
The first two days of the event will consist of plenary sessions:
Day 1: 5 June
- It will focus on presenting the main achievements accomplished in 2022 and the roadmap for the upcoming years.
- Another session will cover innovation activities including the Research & Development programme linked with Horizon Europe and the User Engagement program.
- Additionally, 2023 will focus on the Coastal and Arctics thematic hubs, providing an opportunity to present its strategy and showcase the inputs given by member states.
- From 7 to 8:30 pm, as an introduction of the evening social event, high-level keynote presentations of the Misson Ocean, the Digital Twin Ocean and the Copernicus Marine Service will be held.
Day 2: 6 June
- It will be dedicated to the production centers where the Copernicus Marine European partners and contractors will present their accomplishments and future plans.
- The afternoon will focus on the community of marine data users, which comprises nearly 50 000 users. This will be an opportunity to present the improvements in terms of user tools and services, as well as provide a platform to user testimonies. This will showcase how the Copernicus Marine data portfolio is utilised to develop applications and projects in numerous sectors of the Blue Economy, with a particular focus on policy makers in a time of Climate change where sound decisions for the future of the Ocean are critical.
Days 3 to 5 – Thematic working groups - Contractors only
From 7th to 9th June, partners and contractors will convene to discuss various topics related to marine data processing with a strong commitment to enhancing the Copernicus Marine offer and provide subscribers with the latest Ocean Data’ portfolio.
Working groups:
- Service Evolution and Production Centers to analyse the improvements and highlight current R&D projects.
- Champion User Advisory Group
- Product Quality
- Marine Data Store
- Technical Working Group
- Coastal Working Group
- Bio Data Assimilation
- Ensemble Approach
- Interfaces between Thematic Data Assembly Centers (TACs) and Monitoring & Forecasting Centers.
You can register for the online event here.