Blue-Cloud Final Conference - Unlocking Open Science in support of the EU Green Deal

Blue-Cloud Final Conference - Unlocking Open Science in support of the EU Green Deal

Start: Thursday 8th December 2022

End: Thursday 8th December 2022

Location: The Residence Palace, Rue de la Loi, 155 · Wetstraat, 155, Brussels (Belgium)

The Blue-Cloud pilot project will hold its final conference in Brussels, Belgium on 8th December 2022 between 10 am - 5 pm (CET). This will be a key opportunity for those interested in learning about the results, achievements, and future of the project in relation to the EU's ‘Future of Seas and Oceans Flagship Initiative’. The conference will consist of panels from experts as well as round table discussions.

Participants will gain a deeper understanding of the key outputs of this project, including the effort to build a ‘marine’ thematic community with the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). There will also be an emphasis on the future impact the project could have in evolving an advanced EU digital knowledge system in support of the EU Green Deal, the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, and Mission Ocean.

Key panels include:

  • Blue-Cloud in a nutshell: Results, achievements & lessons learned
  • The road ahead: Blue-Cloud Strategic Roadmap to 2030

Round-table themes include:

  • Building and bringing a thriving marine Open Science community into EOSC: Opportunities & outstanding challenges
  • Delivering a digital knowledge system to support the EU Green Deal & UN Agenda 2030: How can Blue-Cloud further contribute to accelerate progress in the marine domain?

Iliad Participation

Akrivi Vivian Kiousi (Netcompany-Intrasoft) and Arne Berre (SINTEF) will participate in the event and contribute to a round table discussion.

blue cloud final conference poster

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